That’s Christmas to Me

“I’ve got this Christmas song in my heart, I’ve got the candles glowing in the dark. And then for years to come we’ll always know one thing, that’s the love that Christmas can bring. ’cause that’s Christmas to me.” – Pentatonix 

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It ain’t Christmas unless its with these peeps. This is our first Christmas in a house of our own and I found myself kind of struggling to find the Christmas spirit. I have done my best to make sure my kid’s have a magical Christmas and I am anxiously trying to slow things down a bit so we can enjoy the season to the fullest. It ultimately comes down to these folks, all of them in their rowdy fashion. Our passion for the season was passed down from generation to generation starting with that little cutie front and center. Grandma and my late beloved Grandpa Eddie brought Christmas in and out with a bang! Twinkle lights, elaborate parties, fur trees, Johnny Mathis “Marshmallow World,” Tamales, homemade fruitcake… you name it! Not all Christmases were magical but all were memorable. I am thankful my mom carried a joyous love for Christmas for us. Cookie baking, Home Alone and puffy paint sweaters. Our love for Christmas was infectious to my husband who is not an avid fanatic of the season. Mom and dad did everything in their power to make all of our Christmas dreams come true. Even buying me a Spice Girl Barbie and one year a diamond heart necklace from my dad. They never let on if we had financial issues or struggles… it was always a special time. Even with all the hustle and bustle we were always taught about the real reason for Christmas. We put on a Nativity play as kids, I was the angel (Duh). We read special books about the gold, frankincense and myrrh and as we got older we were a part of Christmas productions and musical groups at Church. Good times. I have been immersing myself in the message of Emmanuel.  The story of Jesus the Messiah and the promise of a savior who is Christ the Lord. I am always baffled by the prophecies and filled with hope and excitement for fulfillment to come. I am mostly grateful. Our light has come, God’s glory shine upon the earth! Let the nations bow and hope arise as we proclaim the birth of the King. The Israelite nation could rejoice for a new day had come! Glory to God in the highest.

It’s funny how “life happens” at the most inappropriate time. For instance, in the Christmas season 2 years ago I had just given birth to our daughter and she stayed in the NICU while we were sent home. Birth alone is a traumatic experience, having to leave your baby behind is devastating and when it rains, it pours. Upon our arrival home my husband discovered that our account had been levied. Just 2 weeks before Christmas and a few days from picking our baby girl up from the hospital we were investigating and arguing with the powers at be regarding our financial situation. There were many messed up factors that went into play leading up to our literal misfortune… all unavoidable and each one outside of our power. We had been bamboozled. God had provided all we would need in the meantime. WE had gas in the car, a fridge full of food and since we were home recovering and spent all of our free time in the NICU we really only needed money to buy gifts for our big boy. I am not one to ask for help. Call it pride if you want but I enjoy doing things for myself and working with my husband as a team to get by. I have total trust in the Lord as He has proven time and time again to be our provider. BUT this one was a real doozy. We let our families know what was going on, mostly for prayer and moral support. We come from the most loving and giving people. Our dad’s were outraged and our moms brokenhearted for us. We weren’t looking for sympathy because sometimes STUFF just happens. I felt guilty since they had been carrying us though emotionally with the early arrival of our daughter Shane and caring for our little boy at home during our extended hospital stay. They were the best! Still are. My dad left a token of love for us at our front door the next morning. MORE than enough and more than I would ever dare ask. My father in law was just as quick to give too and the following week was pay day so we were able to take care of bills and supply our buddy with awesome Christmas gifts. Even though we didn’t have enough to splurge on each other it was still the best Christmas in my book.


For us things are a little tight this season but nothing compared to 2 years ago. Why must we always be reminded of our blessings? Why can’t they be on the forefront of our minds at all times? My husband and I huffed and puffed as we moved a few things around and put off gift purchasing for our kids, forgetting the miracles around us. We were again humbled by a phone call and knock at our door on Sunday. Mom and Dad delver again!!! They brought a Costco Christmas to the house. Our vats are overflowing! We literally ran out of storage. On top of that my Grandma blessed us with groceries the week before. Our parents and grandma relate with us in knowing what its like to work hard to keep your head above water. Laboring day and night to provide for your family plus all the extra stuff. They have been where we are and wanted to bless us. They didn’t want us to have to worry or stress over milk, which do to 4 kids is always running out. They wanted us to have peace of mind for Christmas. A gift I didn’t know I needed but am so grateful to receive. It takes a a tribe. Sometimes your tribe doesn’t share your DNA, but in this case I’m glad mine does.


Thanks mom and dad for your kind and caring hearts. It comes so natural it’s almost as if you can’t help but reach out and bless people. As I look back on past Christmases there has always been a person or a family you loved on and embraced. You each have a knack for making people feel extreamly special… including me.  Our family is not perfect but it’s our little quirks and kinks that make us The Burtons. I appreciate you dedicating our family to the Lord. All we do is for Him and every move you make is always done with the greatest intention. May each Christmas with our family be sweeter and more magical and may you both feel overwhelmed with joy, love and blessings. Thank you to my Grandma for instilling the value of tradition in us. For teaching me that there is a right and wrong way to do certain things. For letting me host and relishing in the special moments with me and now with my children. Thank you for your constant prayers and for the way you care for others. At 80 years old you’re still sparkling and serving God’s people. Because of your dedication to Him over 170 families have Christmas dinner and groceries for 2 weeks… ours included. You are an amazing fireball of a woman and a great role model.

Now that my siblings and I are grown up and we each have our own lives we face the challenge of staying connected. Thankfully, we’re all crazy and crazy about each other. I imagine we’ll be starting new traditions as our families grow and move around. Right now the tradition is cookie baking while watching Christmas movies. Something we’ve done for over 10 years now. We’ve also successfully taken family photos 4 years in a row! Its a blast to see how we’ve grown and changed. God has done amazing things thus far. I can’t wait to see what more He does with my tribe. Merry Christmas my family!

Time is sweet. Christmas comes once a year and is a perfect opportunity to re-connect with family. It’s a beautiful time for refreshment or reconciliation. Its a reminder to be thankful for what you’ve been given. I could spend hours and hours gushing over these guys. It’s never too late to apologize, you can never say “I love you” enough and you never know when it’s the last time you’ll get a hug from someone. We should work to make each Christmas the best one yet. You don’t need money to make life rich. Cheers from our family of nut jobs to yours.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Arlene Becton says:

    I am so proud of you boo. You write so beautiful and it truly comes from the heart and so Godly. Continue being you and following the Lord. I love you tons!


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