What’s New With You?

 What can fly without wings? What is harmless but can kill you?

Here’s a hint: The answer is the same for both.

Well it’s been a long while since my last post and I sincerely apologize for that! A lot of life has happened is such a short amount of time! Lets expound on that a bit shall we?

For starters… Shaney bear has rocked the terrible twos! I mean she is as terrible as they come and lovin’ every minute if it! The sass is unbearable, hilarious and so cute I find it hard to discipline her. (said no mom ever!) Shane enjoys long tantrums after bath time and berating the other kids for toys when it’s “her turn” and it is always “her turn.” She can open the front door now and enjoys doing so which allows her 1 year old cousin to escape and all of us topple over from our coronary infarction.  She continues to run with the big kids and still gets the occasional bonk on the head now and then. I have discovered that pink is flattering with black and blue. Yes, our amazing little one is as amazing as ever. Since she was a month old we had the school district’s Early Start team overseeing her care and vigorous intervention therapy. On top of that we added sessions for her development with Inland Regional Center. For a while we were also taking her to physical therapy. Sine she was in utero Shane had a 30% delay. From weight to gross motor development to speech, she has been behind. UNTIL LAST MONTH! That’s right ladies and gents… after 2 years of tough love, lots of teachers and constant stimulation our Shaney bear has been kicked out of her FINE program! Woot Woot! It is bitter sweet as we have grown to love her teacher, but we are all SO proud of her. Since her last assessment Shane has mastered her initial goals set. On top of that we are transitioning her to the Rocket Program with the district to prepare her for mainstream KINDERGARTEN! One of the directors with Inland Reg questions weather or not Shane would even be eligible for IFSP since it requires at least a 30% delay. Talk about irony.


I cannot believe how fast she is growing. She is so beautiful and loving. She gives serious hugs and kisses and just melts my heart. Our girl is SMART and not just in a bragging mom way. Her cognitive scores have always been high and even her teachers marvel at her wit. Is it cocky to say that I am not surprised? We knew this girl was gonna be amazing and we know God has serious plans for her.

Jameson is in Kindergarten! It feels like yesterday we were painting his nursery and now he’s about to turn 6. Oh this boy! He is so adventurous and sweet. He loves trying new things and going to new places. He’s the best travel buddy… hands down.


I could spend all day and night gushing over these precious gifts from God but I have a point to get to… I think.

Things have evolved a bit for mama too! All you mom’s out there- have you ever thought to yourself “is this it?” You become a wife and mother and go through a period of time trying to find yourself. Then you spend some time being that person happily. Then you wake up one morning, look in the mirror and think “this can’t be it.” I heard somewhere that sin happens when the heart is discontented. How’s your heart been lately? I didn’t write much about my mission’s trip to E. Asia last year for fear of not doing it justice but I did have an overwhelming overflow of “What now God?” After seeing what was going on there and learning from my friends on the front lines I couldn’t just come home to business as usual. My husband sensed this in me as well. So we prayed. We sought after God for a lot of things but for me I was asking His will of me. Let me ask you a question that was posed to me today: Are you comfortable? Even further are you comfortable with being comfortable? If you’re feelin a little brave pray and ask God to make you uncomfortable. Just let Him blow your mind! Well I was comfortable. I was so comfortable I couldn’t stand myself! God answered me and laid a clear path of direction before me. For those of you who are too good for social media or live under a rock- I am now the special project coordinator for our Church’s Global Outreach department. I am leaping out of my comfort zone and going to Kenya this week! God is opening doors for the Hub too! We’re experiencing a season of growth and as long as it’s not in my uterus I couldn’t be more excited!

 Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” so that we confidently say, The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraidWhat will man do to me?”

Hebrews 13: 5 & 6

By the way- the answer to the riddle is TIME 


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