How Far We’ve Come

Today our Pastor encouraged us to share stories of how God has changed our lives. I like to consider myself an open book and fearless when it comes to shouting out the goodness of God! He has been so faithful and brought me so far. When I look back on my life I can see how His hand moved and brought to be from where I was to where I am today. There is no doubt about His faithfulness and that was one of the reasons I decided to blog a few years back. I wanted to share all of the amazing things He was doing. I wanted my life to be “exhibit A” in many example of The Promise Keeper, Redeemer, Good Shepherd.

I still feel this way! I still feel called to share my every experience with others in hopes that it will help bring peace and perspective to all in various walks of life. Weather you are praising God in times of celebration or choosing to praise Him in the storms. My prayer is that my life will be used as a testimony for Him to help others. So I have a confession to make… There is a portion of my story I have held on to for some time. It’s not because it wasn’t any good or that it didn’t showcase how amazing God is. I honestly don’t know why it’s taken me so long to share this part of my life with the masses. I struggled at first with the timing. Lord WHEN is it a good time for me to celebrate victory in You? It seems silly now but I think God wasn’t finished yet. Then I had a moment where I was insecure of my story. What if it wasn’t received well. What if people looked at me differently. This struggle came and passed quickly. I was reminded that God calls all things to turn for good for those who love Him. He can use anyone’s story. I thought of Mary Magdeline and the Woman at the Well. In their time they would’ve been social outcast but now we read about them and marvel at how God used them. That is not to say that I compare myself to these women, it’s just how God reminds me. My final struggle was this: all I have chosen to share has been MY story. Instances and thoughts from me personally. I choose to bare MY soul and mine alone. This very amazing testimony of God that I have held close is not just my story. It’s OURS.

I wanted to depict the story of US in a way that was honoring to the Lord and my beloved husband. The truth is we have come VERY far in a matter of 2 years and I KNOW that God is not done with us yet. I have spoken with my husband and we both feel it’s time to show the world just how faithful our God is. I don’t want this to be an account of my perspective of the many trials we have overcome, but ours. So here’s the gist: Once we fought and struggled in the darkness of infidelity and life in the shadows. God was always with us and placed people in our lives to help us through. Our families stepped up in support and we had a tribe of people praying the blood of Jesus over us. We found healing that only Jesus could bring. Now we are more in love than ever. About to celebrate 10 years of marriage and hoping to use our story to help other couples like us! God is good, redemption is possible. As believers we are in the business of reconciliation as we were reconciled to God we where able to find restoration with one another. It took some work but we give God praise for what He delivered us from! The biggest thing we want all of you to know is that NOTHING is completely lost when you have Jesus.

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